Educational Partnership Series

The "Educational Partnership Series" offers a unique opportunity to discuss current topics and share ideas between high school and college professionals within our region.

Spend some time learning, interacting, and collaborating with us.

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Sim Covington

DEI Practitioner Self-Inventory

April 14, 2021 - 2:30-3:30

Effective Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training requires that one investigate their own aspects around difference in order to build awareness/recognition of their own bias. Through a lens of social justice, DEI self-inquiry highlights the importance of knowing oneself in order to effectively lead work with people from different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. Such training allows organizations to excel in their duty to serve as well as to retain talent. Personnel learn how to detect and minimize behaviors that can undermine individuals and groups, along with inclusive actions that reflect a commitment to civil communication.

FLCC Music Faculty

Supporting Students’ Passion for Music

April 21, 2021 - 2:30-3:30

FLCC’s music programs provide students with the opportunity to explore their musical passion while acquiring technical expertise and beginning to build a professional network. FLCC’s music programs are current and challenging, designed to prepare students to continue their education and afford them more options for transfer. The facilities are exceptional and the faculty is deeply committed to student success. Learn how easy it is to acquire a double major in Music and Music Recording. Our state-of-the art recording facilities help students develop their creativity through many individual and collaborative projects. Take a virtual tour, meet the faculty, and find out how FLCC and our local school districts can work together to encourage students to keep music in their lives. We look forward to seeing you!

Curt Nehring Bliss

Deep Reading: Helping Students Dive into Texts

April 28, 2021 - 2:30-3:30

As a foundational practice for making meaning of our world, it’s important that, as educators, we are deliberate with our pedagogical choices when it comes to the reading tasks we ask of our students. So let’s consider such practical questions as, How much reading can we expect of our students? Such logistical questions as, How can we create opportunities for students to select their own readings? Such theoretical questions as, Is listening to audio the same as reading the page, and what about reading on screens? And such aspirational questions as, How do we instill the pleasure of reading and help encourage our students to become lifelong readers? If these are the sorts of questions you find yourself pondering as you assign reading and design learning activities, do consider this invitation to discuss your successes and your struggles in helping students read more critically, purposefully, and joyfully.

Lacey McKinney

Student Engagement: Utilizing Community Arts Resources

May 5, 2021 - 2:30-3:30

This presentation will introduce FLCC’s newest community art initiative, ArtSpace36 and how programming has been integrated with teaching and learning over the past two years. Part of the mission of ArtSpace36 is to cultivate community connections through visual arts and related creative endeavors. Available workshops, exhibitions, artist talks, and opportunities to integrate art into the classroom and wider community will be discussed.

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"Pile of color pencils" CC-0 by Kelli Tungay via Unsplash

The Gladys M. Snyder Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) helps foster and support innovation, collaboration, and opportunities for professional development in all areas of teaching effectiveness.

Since its inception in 1991, the CTL has served the pedagogical needs of all faculty dedicated to the academic development of our students. Housed in the Office of Professional Learning & Leadership Development, the CTL provides a wide range of professional learning opportunities such as workshops, conferences, and grant opportunities to support innovative and reflective teaching practices.